
It's here...

The final day of school. I can't believe it's gone by as fast as it has. Didn't we just start?? What am I going to do all summer? Will I go crazy? Will my kids go crazy being with me? Do I have enough Kool-aid to last the 3 months of summer?? Will the store run out of sunscreen? AHH!! So many questions going through my mind as I type this. But the one that keeps coming back, over and over, is: Will my kids know how much I love them because of the time I spend with them? That's it. The undivided time. Will they know how much it really means? I hope so...

Since I'm on the topic of summer...let me throw a question out there to you. What kinds of things will you be doing with your little ones during the next few months? What exciting things are you looking forward to? What surprises await you? Are there any summer time traditions you do with your kids? I'm seriously looking for ideas here. :D Do you set up the sprinklers or a slip-n-slide. Do you chase the ice cream man down the street? (What? Am I the only one who's done that?? ;) ) Do you camp out in the backyard or swim in the moonlight while playing "marco polo" with your kids? I want to hear it..what you do with your kids in the summer. We can all pick up some great ideas here. Hey..you never know..this could be the next thing you blog about! :D

While you think on that and get back to me..I'm going to go downstairs, mix a pitcher of cold lemonade and enjoy the first few 'real' moments of summer with my munchkins. Happy Summer to you all! :D

Until next time....