

From this weekend. Going to our FAVORITE park because we had a day of complete sunshine. Yipppeee!! See that look of glee on my little boy? Love that look!

Oh how it doesn't last long when we say that it's time to go home...

My favorite moment..walking into my bedroom and seeing this. A moment of complete, COMPLETE love between siblings...

And since I'm talking about moments, I just wanted to say something to everyone who comes to my blog. THANK YOU. I was going through all the blogs I like to check out, and realized that it takes me more then an hour to go through them all, comment, and just enjoy the photos and words you all write. And it hit me..somewhere out there, people are looking at my blog, and taking time out of their day to comment on my photos. I know time is very important. Trust me..I know..so I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. It really means so much to me. Thank you..thank you..thank you..

Until next time...