
Life in Pictures...A place where you feel most at peace...

So I was reading on a fantastic blog, My Edition of Gab, and she had a great idea that I thought it would be fun to try. It's called, "Life in Pictures". Here's how it goes:

The point of this challenge is for you to be creative and for you to get out there and take more photos with your camera. A few lessons I've learned from an amazing photographer named Khara are these:

1. Don't be a flasher! Turn off the flash.
2. Get up & Get down - change your perspective and angle. Get low to the ground and or even above your subjects.
3. Don't center, get up close and personal, and don't crop your photos.
Like I said - be creative. The possibilities are endless.
This challenge will be May 4th-8th. The assignments are as follows:

Monday: A place where you feel most at peace

Tuesday: Something you <3 (heart).

Wednesday: Go Green - your favorite green item

Thursday: Helping hands

Friday: A place in your city that you love and would like to show people who have never been there.

What do you think? Fun?? Heck ya!! That said..here we go..

A place where you feel most at peace.


This is where I feel most at peace. The ocean. The sound, the smell, the feel of the sand, just knowing that there are endless miles in front of me and I can breathe with no limitations. This is my peace.

What's yours?
Until next time...