
National MS Awareness Week


...and for me, that means it's a week to shine. :D Most of you know my story with MS. How I found out, how life has been since then. Some of you might not. Without getting into a big, long, million paragraph blog post about it..I will say that the road from back then to the road I'm on now has been one of ups and downs, twists and turns, flat stretches, caves, bridges and detours. But. Between all those distractions, the view is absolutely amazing. :) Who would have thought that something so unpredictable and uncertain as MS could bring me so many smiles and self-realization. As much as I truly hate having MS..I wouldn't trade all the things I've gained from having it.


My journey started 3 years ago, just after my baby was born. He turns 3 this week. Two life events, two very different celebrations. My doctor told me, "it's either a brain tumor, or you have MS". That's a lot to swallow while holding your newborn in your arms. In a lot of ways, being able to hold him gave me a reason to keep moving on, keep trying to do whatever it took to beat this. I had a reason. I have MANY reasons.

This week..MS is kind of brought front and center in the medical scene. It's time for all of us who have the disease, who know someone with it, who live with someone with it..to stand up and give a big 'ol pat on the back. It's not easy. Ask my family. They will tell the craziness that comes with it. I am very blessed to have the family I do. They put up with my roller coaster of emotions without complaint. They step up and fill in for me when I simply cannot. Even when I have and can be mean..they still smile and wrap me in their hugs. I have a family that loves me unconditionally. Unconditionally. Let me say it again: unconditionally. I have a small circle of friends, and high fives to them..they deal with it too. Why I don't hang out on certain nights, why my plans are always a 'maybe' instead of a certain 'yes!'. But they still are here with their warmth and that means the world to me. It's not easy. It's never easy. BUT..we can still live.

My word for this year is: LIVE. Live life. Live for myself. Live for my family. Live for my friends. Live for what I know to be right and true. Live in a way that I've never done before. Take chances, explore. See things through different eyes. LIVE..
And that's exactly what I intend to keep doing.
Next year.
In 10 years from now.
In 20 years from now. Even if it's from a wheelchair..I'll be the fastest wheelchair rider out there. :)

What are you living for? Tell me all about it..I'd love to hear..

Until next time..