
The New Hair Cut...

Or rather..shave! You know how it is when you try to cut your own kids hair, and they just keep wiggling and moving and...well..wiggling?? Well..this is what happened. I was trying to cut my little mans hair, and he wouldn't sit still. (I'm sure none of you have ever had this happen to you, right ;) ) I probably wouldn't have sat still though either with all that itchy hair on my face. Anyway..so we cut it, and it looked ok. But then when my dear, sweet, hubby saw it...I knew it wasn't going to pass. SO..we tried again..and this time, I just shaved it all off. *gasp* I know!! What was I thinking!!? But sometimes, you just have to..right? Here's the end result..

And, since we were already taking pictures..we just kept right on having some fun. Well..I was having fun..I think he was getting WAY to serious. What can you expect though..with his new hair cut..he's a 'macho man' now..too cool for pictures . :D

Until next time...